About us

America Bangladesh Press Club-ABPC is an organization of Bangladeshi journalists living in New York and other cities. This Bangladeshi Press Club was founded in 2008 in New York. The principal aim of the Press Club is to build a strong network among Bangladeshi Media Professionals (journalists, editors, reporters, publishers, etc) who are working in the USA. ABPC has life, general, and associate members. America-Bangladesh Press Club depends on member subscriptions and donations for its finding.

Activities of America Bangladesh Press Club (ABPC) generally includes:

  • Exchange of ideas about news and views in the USA and Bangladesh with people, persons, and organizations.
  • Protect the rights of Bangladeshi journalists who are working in the various Bangladeshi community newspapers.
  • Give reception to visiting journalists, editors, writers, and government officials from Bangladesh.
  • Meet and greet local elected officials, council members in New York
  • Provide Bangladeshi community free, honest, accurate, and timely information.
  • Keep Bangladeshi journalists employed, etc.

Scope and Character: America-Bangladesh Press Club will operate across the USA. Journalists and other media workers, writers, poets, novelists, professionals, sportspersons, community leaders, and social workers of Bangladesh origin are eligible for membership of the Club in three categories–Primary Member, Associate Member, and Life Member. Journalists, media workers, and media personalities of Bangladesh living outside the USA will qualify as associate and life members only. Central Committee of the Club shall comprise of journalists working in New York only, where the Club’s headquarter will be established. The Executive Committee may approve branch/branches of the organization in other states or cities of the USA. Subscriptions by members and donations by individuals or organizations will create a fund for running the Club.

Membership: America Bangladesh Press Club-ABPC will have members in categories.

Primary Member: Professional journalists of print, broadcast, and online media will qualify as primary members of the Club. Primary members shall have the right to participate in all activities of the organization. They are eligible to vote and contest the election of the Club.

Associate Member: Journalists and other workers of print, broadcast, and online media and writers, poets, novelists, and columnists, either working now or had worked previously in the USA or any other part of the world, are eligible to be associate members of the organization. They are not eligible to vote and contest the election of the Club.

Life Member: Journalists and other workers of print, broadcast, and online media and writers, poets, novelists and columnists, either working now or had worked previously, and those who are contributing or had contributed significantly to the development of journalism in the USA or any other part of the world, are eligible for being Life Member of the organization provided two-thirds of the Executive Committee members approve the same. Life members will be inducted through formal ceremonies. Such members will be allowed to participate in all activities and to enjoy all benefits of the Club, except voting for and contesting the election.

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